Library & Publications

AUNOHR is a higher education institution with special values stemming from its mainspring: to devote university majors to the culture of non-violence, human rights and citizenship, and to institutionalize this culture academically as well as in cultural and educational productions.

Thus, AUNOHR library reflects its objectives in terms of the quality of books and references, which encompass specialized as well as general education contents.

AUNOHR seeks to build "The Arab Library of Non-Violence".

The library certainly includes AUNOHR publications.

The available references are mainly in three languages: Arabic, French and English, some of which are the original and the translated version into Arabic.

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Publications & Translations

We acknowledge that the culture of Non-Violence is basically marginalized, especially in the Arab output; therefore, AUNOHR is devoted to adding to its specialized library, new academic, scientific, and cultural publications, through the following means:

*Translating international literature on nonviolence into Arabic, and issuing them in a format suitable for academic use as well as for the general awareness;

*Authoring and preparing new productions that link the culture of nonviolence to other sciences and majors;

*Issuing first-of-its-kind series of textbooks with great theoretical and practical benefits for AUNOHR students as well as higher education in Lebanon, the region and the world.


About the Non-Violence Translations, 
Walid Slaybi, the founder of AUNOHR, has launched “the Series of Non-violence Translations into Arabic” since the early 1980s during the civil war in Lebanon. First, the series was initiated by translating texts and chapters of nonviolent books and experiences without issuing them, until 1993 when the series was officially established. The first 14 translated books were translated under the supervision of Slaybi and/or his participation, and published within the period 1995-1999. Ever since, he has continued this cumulative work, and the translations were subsequently carried out by AUNOHR.


The university publications are currently being issued in the name of AUNOHR as well as the name of the Lebanese Association for Civil Rights (LACR) (the entity thru which AUNOHR registered its legal license).





DISARM GODS; Christianity and Islam from the Perspective of Non-violence, 2015. By Jean-Marie Muller. Translated by Dimitri Avghérinos. Published by AUNOHR, Lebanon, 2015, 440 pages. Original title: Désarmer les Dieux: Le christianisme et l'islam au regard de l'exigence de la non-violence.




VIOLENCE AND THE NATURE OF HUMAN BEING, 2015. By Walid Slaybi, published by the Lebanese Association for Civil Rights (LACR), Beirut, 2015, in 5 booklets: Violence and the Nature of human being (31 pages), Life Forces Death Forces (59 pages), War through Civilians (39 pages), Yes to Resistance No to Violence (second edition, 37 pages), Inverse Nonviolent Liberation (68 pages).



Five booklets, 2018. Idea and Translation by Walid Slaybi.

Erich Fromm, “Freedom–A Psychological Problem?, chapter I (p 1-18), in: The Fear of Freedom (or Escape from Freedom), 1941. Translation published by AUNOHR, Lebanon, 2018. 

Erich Fromm, “Mechanisms of Escape, chapter V (p 117-177), in: The Fear of Freedom (or Escape from Freedom), 1941. Translation published by AUNOHR, Lebanon, 2018.

Erich Fromm, “Understanding the difference between: Having and Being, Part one (p. 11-40), in: To Have or To Be, 1976. Translation published by AUNOHR, Lebanon, 2018.

Erich Fromm, “Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem, Chapter I (p 11-19), in: On Disobedience and other essays, 1963. Translation published by AUNOHR, Lebanon, 2018.

Erich Fromm, “Prophets and Priests, Chapter III (p 43-63), in: On Disobedience and other essays, 1967. Translation published by AUNOHR, Lebanon, 2018.

Illustrations: William Steig, in: Wilhelm Reich, Listen little man, 1948.



QUOTES in NON-VIOLENCE. 2020. By Ogarit Younan and Walid Slaybi. Published by AUNOHR, Lebanon. 216 pages. In Arabic and English (some quotes in French translated into Arabic). Translation by: Walid Slaybi, Hala Sinno, Mazen Abou Hamdan, and Ogarit Younan (some quotes were already translated to Arabic by AUNOHR). Editing, in Arabic: Ghaleb Hachem; in English: Phyllis Kotite.
A century has passed since Gandhi came up with the term of “NON-VIOLENCE” (in the mid of 1919) which he coined to be added to the world heritage since 1920.  The book published in 2020 was a celebration on the occasion of this first centenary. It’s deep research through history all over the world, to introduce the meanings of Non-Violence in the words of 91 philosophers, thinkers, scientists, writers, and pioneer activists, each in his / her own domain and manner. 178 quotes about Non-Violence, each of which is written in Arabic and in English or French.



University Book: DE LA PHILOSOPHIE DE LA NON-VIOLENCE (On The Philosophy of Non-Violence), 2023. By Jean-Marie Muller. (Original Texts ©AUNOHR, 2009-2013). In French & Arabic, translated by Dimitri AVGHERINOS, Jérôme CHAHINE. Idea & Academic coordination: Ogarit Younan. Published by AUNOHR -Academic University for Non-Violence and Human Rights, Lebanon. 242 pages.
This academic book includes chapters prepared by the philosopher Jean-Marie Muller at AUNOHR, as a lecturer, which he taught himself in French, after being translated into Arabic by the university. 13 chapters on: Kant, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Simone Weil, Arendt, Levinas, Camus, Machiavelli, Hegel, Clausewitz, and Weber; with a chapter on the concepts of “philosophy, violence, non-violence, the culture of non-violence”, and a chapter on “the religious concepts of violence and non-violence in Christianity and Islam”. In appendix: additional texts on Gandhi, King and other themes, Muller’s biography and bibliography.



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