The culture of non-violence might
finally penetrate the thick cover of dark clouds
besieging us in a prison of anxiety, violence and absurdity,
in order to restore communication
with a sun
that does not despair of calling us every single morning…
Walid Slaybi
Founder of AUNOHR
An opening word he dedicated to the University in 2009
AUNOHR (Academic University College for Non-Violence & Human Rights) was founded as an independent higher education institution for Lebanon and the Arab world under the Lebanese law for higher education (Ministerial Decree no /487/ date 04.09.2014) and received a ministerial license to proceed for academic activities No. 714 / M / 2015 dated 18.08.2015.
- The legacy of AUNOHR is based on thirty years of pioneering experience of its founders, Walid Slaybi and Ogarit Younan, and is considered as a first-of-its-kind in Lebanon, the region and in the world. As a matter of fact, AUNOHR is building academic cooperation with local, regional and international universities, colleges and other institutions.
- AUNOHR was founded with an objective to remain an incubator for both an academic professionalism and constructive social change, starting with the personal development of every student.
- AUNOHR is not just another new university; it is an original higher education institution whose existence has become a pressing need in every society. Many officials and representatives of other universities held in this concern: “By its quality uniqueness, AUNOHR is not a competition but rather a needed complement to what already exists”. As international nonviolent thinkers have said: "It is a unique endeavor and added value that we have long waited for throughout the journey of the world's non-violent heritage".
- Many international, Arab and local figures have joined the AUNOHR’s Board and Councils, including Nobel Peace laureates, non-violent pioneers, academicians, and economists, as well as human rights and cultural personalities who are committed to the nonsectarian and nonviolent civil alternatives
- AUNOHR faculty members are professors, lecturers and experts from Lebanon and around the world, including intellectuals and designers of globally innovative courses in more than one field. Being original, nonviolence majors will be taught primarily by pioneers, philosophers and authors of reference books in the field, and this is AUNOHR’s distinguishing feature.
- Being a new approach in higher education, comprehensive university education model at the Master level was implemented (2009-2011), following the devising of curricula in nine different majors. Evaluating this first experience, everybody declared that it was “A dream come true”.
- AUNOHR currently grants two kinds of degrees: Masters and university Diploma, and is soon planning to offer a Bachelor degree. The university opted to start with postgraduate studies to target, first high potential candidates in order to publicize the impact of this kind of university education and in turn expose the new generation to its scientific and professional benefits.
More than half of AUNOHR curricula have been newly introduced, and include the following specializations in the Master and Diploma levels:
- Philosophy and Non-Violence Education Skills
- Philosophy and Modern Training Skills
- Conflict and Non-Violence Mediation
- Educational and Human Rights Theater
- Non-Violence communication and Media Skills
- Human Rights
- Non-Violence Philosophy and Civil strategies
- Citizenship
- Non-Violence and Human Rights Culture (With concentration in one of the majors).
- AUNOHR students are from Lebanon and the Arab countries. Students from various academic backgrounds are accepted since no equivalent majors exist in the frameworks of current higher education.
- AUNOHR opens registration for students who can proceed with their academic work any time of the year, according to a flexible calendar convenient to various categories. Studying is based on credits system that conforms to international standards.
- In its educational philosophy, AUNOHR relies on an unconventional pattern of university education which is a life in itself. In recorded testimonials about AUNOHR as seen by its students, a common conclusion is shared: “It’s a turning point; AUNOHR has changed my life…”
- In addition to academic specialization, AUNOHR also encompasses a specialized Center for Training and continuing education that provides, along with local and international experts, academic training for civil society, decision makers and community influencers.
- Professionally, AUNOHR is pleased to introduce programs of high professional efficacy in various academic and professional fields, as well as to provide the business world, and societal change with the desired scientific professionalism through modern and professional skills and roles.
- And as one of the first supporters who perceived AUNOHR as an unprecedented vision in the actual existence of our region stated, “It’s I who thank you…”