Programs & Certificates

AUNOHR programs include:

  • Nine majors for the Master's Degree,
  • Nine majors for the University Diploma,
  • Soon: Bachelor's degree and PhD.
  • And, the University has a "free study program" in one or more independent academic course, upon which it grants an official attestation (credits).
    Special Student Program


More than half of AUNOHR courses are local ingenuity in higher education.

Postgraduate Programs



University Diploma
The programs can be completed according to a flexible pattern in two or three years depending on the student's desire and/or ability. The programs can be completed according to a flexible pattern in one or two years depending on the student's desire and/or ability.


  The postgraduate programs offer the opportunity for studying concurrently with doing one's job and thus developing professionally.

   AUNOHR's interactive academic methods allow students of varied age groups, and coming from different countries with diverse backgrounds, sometimes having impressive experiences and expertise, to learn from each other.

  Students also learn through active encounters with professors and lecturers, including those who are the most influential and inspirational in their life experiences and field of expertise.



Master degree

Each major consists of 10 courses, 45 hours each (3 credits), and a thesis (6 credits), totaling 36 academic credits, completed in 2 or 3 years (depending on the student's desire and/or ability).

  1. Philosophy and Skills of Non-Violence Education
  2. Social Training and Active Methods
  3. Conflict Management and Non-violent Mediation
  4. Non-Violence Theater
  5. Civic Education and Teaching Citizenship
  6. Human Rights Culture and Teaching Skills
  7. Philosophy and Strategies of Non-Violence
  8. Non-violent Communication and Media Skills
  9. Culture of Non-violence and Human Rights


University Diploma

Each major consists of 9 courses, 45 hours each (3 credits), and without thesis, totaling 27 academic credits, completed in 1 or 2 years (depending on the student's desire and/or ability).

  1. Philosophy and Skills of Non-Violence Education
  2. Social Training and Active Methods
  3. Conflict Management and Non-violent Mediation
  4. Non-Violence Theater
  5. Civic Education and Teaching Citizenship
  6. Human Rights Culture and Teaching Skills
  7. Philosophy and Strategies of Non-Violence
  8. Non-violent Communication and Media Skills
  9. Culture of Non-violence and Human Rights
Undergraduate Programs

•   The Undergraduate program provides young students, in particular, the opportunity to acquire novel specialties that are not available in current universities.

•   It also enables them first and foremost to achieve self-rehabilitation and establish their humanistic character, while at the begining of their academic journey, as well as to be creative in increasingly demanded modern careers that are defined as quality careers for the present and future. 

•   Each major consists of 35 courses, 45 hours each (3 credits), totaling 105 credits, completed in 3 or 4 years (depending on student's desire and/or ability).