
Training programs at AUNOHR are based on the experience of its founders who are among the pioneers of modern training in Lebanon, innovators of specific methods, exercises and approaches in training, and authors of unique manuals in their fields. Hence, such programs are the ‘fruit’ of profound scientific and social experience.
See: The Founders

In addition, training programs are also centered on AUNOHR’s academic curricula, and on the expertise of its professors, lecturers and trainers.
See: The Faculty


Training is educating, and education is the intrinsic nature of human being;
Training is conscience and self-development;
Training is an act of awareness and an act of change;
Training is art and deftness...


AUNOHR has a training and continuing education center that offers participants an official statement of participation and/or a certificate of completion after successful written exam.

  • In addition to the university majors and special courses, AUNOHR offers social and academic training to civil society, and private and public institutions, according to their needs, besides acquainting them with the new non-violence culture in most fields and contexts.
  • It also offers international programs to decision makers in parliaments and ministries, and political forces, as well as media frameworks, culture, religion, society, and academia.
  • Training is conducted in accordance with the programs adopted by AUNOHR and based on ongoing studies and assessment.
  • AUNOHR devises training programs to cater to the needs of each group.
  • The training programs target various groups in all Arab countries, and takes place in Lebanon as well as in other countries.
  • Training is delivered by pioneers and experts from Lebanon, the Arab region and International level.



Motivating new academic trainers 

AUNOHR gives its graduate students who have showed exceptional training and educational skills, as well as academic distinction, an opportunity to take part in its various training activities.


Training Programs

One does not leave unchanged. A turning point. A quality addition to information and style, which was yet unknown to us…” (Words echoing after every training session)


Titles selected from training programs

Every title has its interactive and in-depth training methods, and is adapted to all groups and ages.

  • Educators and Schools
  • Non-Violent Communication (NVC) in the Family, School, NGO, Work, Ministries, Law, Media, Business, etc.
  • Mediation
  • Positive Approaches to Conflict
  • Training of Trainers and Animators
  • Theater for Self-rehabilitation
  • Culture of Non-Violence
  • Human Rights Culture, Conventions, UN and Local mechanisms (children’s rights, women’s rights, labor rights, teachers’ rights, students and youths’ rights, the rights of the disabled and those with special needs, socio-economic rights, political rights, environmental rights, opposition of torture and discrimination, prisoners’ rights, refugees’ rights, abolition of death penalty, transitional justice…)
  • Non-sectarian Discrimination
  • Perception of the Other, Stereotypes, Prejudice, Fanaticism, and Diversity
  • Gender Indiscrimination and Violence
  • Social Indiscrimination, Human Development and Justice
  • Citizenship
  • Strategies and Methodologies in Organizing Civil Movements - Civil Campaigns
  • Social and Community Organizers
  • Students - University Clubs
  • Municipalities
  • Media and Social Media
  • Development and Innovation of Plans and Programs in: Institutions, Colleges, and Ministries, especially in relation to Education, Youth, Women, Social Affairs, Human Rights, in addition to the Parliamentary Commissions…


Training Activities
  • An academic training session on “The Culture of Non-Violence and Social Mediation”. Erbil – Iraqi Kurdistan.
    For Cadres from the Ministry of Interior in Erbil – Iraqi Kurdistan: Officers and officials in the Department of combating domestic and Violence against women.
  • An academic training session on “Non-Violent Education and Positive Approach of School Disputes. Chouf – Mont Lebanon, 2015.
    For a group of school teachers, directors, educators, and interested individuals who received an official university certificate of completion; in the Chouf – Lebanon; from October 2015 to January 2016.
  • An academic training session on “The culture of Human Rights and Non-sectarian discrimination”. Beirut – Lebanon, 2016.
    For ‘Ammar Association’ – Iraq: Academicians and high-ranking cadres in civil society and the public sector who received an official university ceritificate of completion; January 2016, Beirut – Lebanon.
  • A training session on “Strategies of Non-violent Civil Movements”. Beirut - Lebanon, summer 2016. 
    For a group of civil movement activists in Lebanon, from associations, unions and youth groups, especially those organizing campaigns against the “Garbage Crisis”; in Beirut – Lebanon, with a special contribution of a pioneer French trainer.
  • An academic training session on “Non-Violence Education and Positive Approach of School Disputes”. Tripoli – North Lebanon, 2016.
    For a group of School teachers, educators and directors, from various schools and organizations in Tripoli and neighboring areas - North Lebanon; from November 2016 to January 2017.
  • Two academic training sessions on “Non-Violence Education, Communication and Conflict Prevention”, Beirut - Lebanon, 2017.
    For two groups of participants, eighty seven, chosen from one thousand one hundred of applications, from all Lebanese regions: North, South, Chouf, Kesrwan, Metn, Beirut, and Beqaa, in addition to teachers, educators, journalists, and interested individuals from Iraq, Syria and Palestine. They all received an official university certificate of completion after they successfully passed written exams. From April to June 2017.
  • An academic training session on “Skills in the Culture of Non-Violence”, with “Besme organization”. Broumana, Metn, Lebanon, 2017.
    For a group of activists from Syria and Yemen, in cooperation with the “Besme - International Group for Humanitarian Assistance” organization; August 8-12, 2017.
  • An academic training session on “Punishment in Education: Non-Violent Alternatives”. Beirut – Lebanon, 2018.
    For a group of school teachers, directors, educators, NGO and interested individuals including Syrian and Palestinian refugees, They received an official university certificate of completion after they successfully passed written exams; in the Chouf – Lebanon; from February to June 2018.
  • An academic training session for Youth on Non-Violence Culture & Research - with UNESCO Office in Beirut. Lebanon, 2018.
    It was the fruit of a cooperation between AUNOHR and the UNESCO regional Office based in Beirut, as innovative initiative for youth "beginner researchers in non-violence": “Capacity development in YOUTH engagement and research in non-violence”. A group of twenty two young civil actors and grassroots leaders in their countries, chosen from more than seven hundreds applications, from different Arab countries: 4 from Lebanon, 2 from Syria, 3 from Iraq including Kurdistan, 2 from Palestine, 2 from Yemen, 2 from Egypt, 2 from Jordan, 2 from Tunisia, 1 from Morocco, 1 from Sudan. A six days training equivalent to one academic course of 3 credits, with the contribution of two international experts, one Lebanese academic professor, one Lebanese senior trainer, and the founders of the university. The titles of the program were as following: Philosophy of Non-Violence: Foundations and Practical Meaning. The need to build a culture of peace; The Disarmament strategies. The conflict prevention mechanisms. Women mediators for peace; UN resolution 1325. Case study. Youth Success Stories in Non-Violence Culture and Social Change. The Role of Youth in Making a Positive Impact through Creative Skills. Characteristics of Nonviolent Strategy. Experiences from Around the World. Research Methodologies: Foundations and Practical Applications. Scientific Approaches toward Research in the study of Nonviolent Action. The participants received an official university certificate of completion after they successfully passed written exams. Beirut – Lebanon; October 2018.
    The trainees started their activity by participating in the Celebration of AUNOHR, launching the “National Day of Non-Violence in Lebanon” on October 2, and the universal statue of Non-Violence (knotted gun) in a first Arab capital Beirut.  
  • Academic training sessions for municipalities and civil society on Mediation and Non-Violence Culture - with Mercy Corps. Lebanon, 2019-2020.
    A joint program, AUNOHR – Mercy Corps, was implemented in 2019-2020, within the scope of IJMAA PROJECT designed by Mercy Corps, in order to train seventy four participants to become professional mediators: Head and members of municipalities, community leaders of reconciliation, and civil actors, together Lebanese and Syrian refugees, in the Buhayra area - West Bekaa and in the Minieh area - North Lebanon. The training was divided in three full sessions of 45-hour each, to ensure a high-quality experiential learning experience, on the following subjects: Mediation Concepts and Approaches; Conflict and Social Mediation; Non-Violent Communication (NVC); Positive Approaches of Conflict Management, Transformation and Resolution; Culture of Non-Violence and local experiences. In addition, after the training, coaching sessions were delivered to participants in order to ensure that the mediators have successfully adapted the learning content into their own local context. The participants received an official university certificate of completion after they successfully passed written exams. 30 November 2019 – 29 February 2020.
  • A training session for women and community on “Non-Violence Communication, Theatre and Understanding Conflict” - with Mercy Corps.  West Bekaa - Lebanon, 2020.
    Within the scope of IJMAA PROJECT organized by Mercy Corps, AUNOHR implemented sensitizing session of four days, for thirty one participants mainly women, together Lebanese and Syrian refugees, from different villages in the Buhayra area - West Bekaa. The program was designed to spread the non-violence communication, spirit and practical tools, in order to empower the participants helping their communities and supporting the mediators trained in the academic training mentioned before. Thus, the program focused on psychological and theatrical methodologies, aiming to understand conflicts on family, community, interpersonal, and educational levels. 19-22 February 2020.
  • A training session for ZOUKAK members and Trainers, on “Non-Violence”.  Lebanon, 2020.
    A joint program, AUNOHR – Zoukak Theater Company and Cultural Association, was implemented in 2020, within the scope of “ACT!” project designed by ZOUKAK to work with youth in conflict and violent situations, Lebanese and Syrian refugees, mainly in the popular streets of Beirut. A TOT professional program of six days on NON-VIOLENCE, was delivered to the members of the association, the founders and the officers of the programs. The training focused on the following themes: Concepts and Principles of Non-Violence culture and philosophy; Practical Training on Non-Violent Communication (NVC); Theoretical and practical Training on social mobilization of Youth: integrative psychological perspective. It was a first time to the members to be trained on non-violence. At the end, they expressed how deeply their perception of Non-Violence was transformed, how much they enjoyed the interactive and practical tools on communication and psychology very helpful to be used with youth. Lebanon, 7-16 September 2020.
  • A training program for educators and school administrators on “Non-Violence Education” - with Basmeh & Zeitooneh. Lebanon, 2020-2021.
    It’s an innovative initiative, within the scope of the Basmeh & Zeitooneh project of “Non-Violence Education in Shatila School” (Camp of Shatila in Beirut for Palestinian refugees which included in the last years Syrian refugees too). AUNOHR implemented a full program for a year, as a fruit of a MOU between the association and the university, aiming to introduce the non-violence education into the school’ life to transform it in a non-violent school at all levels. The program was designed to train all the teachers in the school, the coordinators of the Protection and Psychological Support unit, and a team from the administration. Fifty six participants benefited from the professional training: Two sessions for two groups of educators, each equivalent to an academic course of 45 hour – 3 credits, on “Authority and Punishment: Non-Violent Alternatives”; one session for the administration equivalent to an academic course of 45 hour – 3 credits, on “The Non-Violence Management of the Schools”; Two sessions for two groups of educators, each equivalent to an academic course of 30 hour – 2 credits, on “Philosophers and Skills in Non-Violent Education”. After the first training, a program of six coaching sessions was delivered to the two groups of educators. The participants received an official university certificate of completion after they successfully passed written exam in each training. In addition, AUNOHR produced a manual titled “Guidelines for a Non-Violence Education in School”, as a sustainable tool and academic reference. Through their feedback, the participants considered the experience as “a unique and a turning point in their understanding of education and of non-violence”. Lebanon, October 2020 – November 2021.

